Tuesday, November 5, 2013

How to Set Up Reason Code in Accounts Receivable (OBBE)


Reason Code in A/R is one of the best way to distinguish partial payment over residual payment method. Setting reason code to justify why a certain invoice is underpaid or overpaid can help you analyze the transaction and assign the correct G/L to the difference. With this, you can also automatically set the description or text  that will appear on the line item.


1. On the IMG menu, go to Financial Accounting (New) > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Business Transactions > Incoming Payments > Incoming Payments Global Settings > Overpayment/Underpayment > Define Reason Codes (OBBE).

2. Enter Company Code.

3. Choose New Entries.

4. Enter the following:

  • Reason Key
  • Short Text 
  • Long Text - This portion appears on the Line Item Text field.

5. Click Save.

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