Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to View Customer Line Item using its Name Rather than its Customer Code

Memorizing a customer by code or account is unlikely specially when you have thousands of them. This is why when you need to view a certain customer in FBL5N (Customer Line Item Display), you can make use of the Search Help ID and Search String instead.


 1. Select the Search Help ID.

2. Choose Customer (General).

3. Input asterisk “*” to all fields except for the Name field.

4. Click Enter.

5. On the Search String, after the “*.*.*” insert another “.” then enter the Customer Name (e.g. Juan dela Cruz or simply Juan* to show all customer balances with names starting with Juan).

6. Click Execute.
        Optional: Save as Variant so that you can use this the next time you access FBL5N

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